over 3 years
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1. What exact CPU model? It makes a huge difference. I have an i5-8400K @ 3.8GHz with 16GB RAM, game on SSD, and a 1060 6GB here with zero issues.
2. What resolution? (Spinning off #1, you may have it set higher than your CPU is capable of.)
3. How much RAM do you have? What speed is it running at? Is it actually running at it's optimal speed?
4. "hard drive" is extraordinarily vague. Is it a traditional platter, a hybrid platter with SSD buffer (SSHD), an SSD, or a NVMe. It makes a huge difference. Much like your actual CPU would.
5. What are your exact video settings? example[i.gyazo.com]
If you have trouble figuring any of this out, read the Pinned topic on how to report an issue.
2. What resolution? (Spinning off #1, you may have it set higher than your CPU is capable of.)
3. How much RAM do you have? What speed is it running at? Is it actually running at it's optimal speed?
4. "hard drive" is extraordinarily vague. Is it a traditional platter, a hybrid platter with SSD buffer (SSHD), an SSD, or a NVMe. It makes a huge difference. Much like your actual CPU would.
5. What are your exact video settings? example[i.gyazo.com]
If you have trouble figuring any of this out, read the Pinned topic on how to report an issue.