about 1 year ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Patience is a virtue, Except when it's not.
Debug enabled, But not allowed to use any function except to teleport via the map, with the restriction that the area must have been explored/visited first previously.

In short, Having poured close to 2000 hours into the game, 1250~ or so of it tracked on steam, I'm just tired of having to travel back and forth through previously explored space. It doesn't help that I'm a consummate loot hoarder, so even visits to T2 or T3 POIs often necessitate 2 or more trips back to base with a backpack full of items, let alone T4+; Or that I just don't have as much time to play anymore.. Life sucks that way.

So- Teleport via map w/ the described restriction. This eliminates alot of the, to me, tiresome back and forth. The restriction makes me explore new terrain, which is still fun to me, and means I can't just teleport across the map to a newly unlocked trader or whatever.

I often also enforce not being allowed to teleport right to the edge of the explored map- I must have actually visited the place, so teleports that make me suddenly uncover a bunch of new map space are off limits with some allowance for the potential inaccuracy of memory/exact aim... Mostly this just means I can only teleport to the main road of an area as that's likely how I got there the first time, and hoof it from that spot the last 50-100m to my goal.
almost 1 year ago - Crater Creator - Direct link
No touching Only touching!

When building, you can’t put just any two shapes adjacent to each other, even though the game lets you. There must be an area at the interface where they make visible contact. Or in other words, no floating pieces.