about 1 year ago - Shurenai - Direct link
If you've already crafted the forge... How do you still need magazines to know how to craft a forge? The former can't happen without the latter being finished. Are you perhaps misconstruing what will be unlocked in 8 more magazines? The magazines that taught you the forge also teach you to make the dew collector, the workbench, etc. Additionally, iirc the forge unlocks after like, 3 magazines? So how do you need 8? O.o

Also you don't Need the Anvil or Bellows for the forge to function- They're optional addons that speed up it's functions, but are in no way necessary. You don't have to go grind trader missions to get money to buy it.
about 1 year ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Originally posted by Denight: Why does the option of starting to craft the items is not working then if these items are only for speeding up stuff
Have you actually melted your iron and clay into the forge? Or do you just have your iron and clay soil in your inventory?

Right hand side, below the fuel slots are input slots to melt down materials to be used in forge crafting.
about 1 year ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Originally posted by Denight:
Originally posted by Shurenai: Have you actually melted your iron and clay into the forge? Or do you just have your iron and clay soil in your inventory?

Right hand side, below the fuel slots are input slots to melt down materials to be used in forge crafting.
I thought that was where the items would be after they are already melted, will try that now because they were only on my inventory I was expecting it to be the same as making food... but for some reason it's different :Toxic_Geralt:
The output will be the 6 slots below those two slots with the material names and 0s beside them. :)

There's a journal entry in the journal that explains the forge UI iirc... And you're not the first person to overlook this, so don't feel bad. :winter2019happyyul:
almost 1 year ago - Roland - Direct link
The forge and the bellows are worth getting when you can even if they aren't necessary. So don't give up on them.