over 3 years ago - Crater Creator - Direct link
I like the idea of light armor a lot. I like to play stealthily, and I don’t like the idea of being slowed down. But in practice, the advantages seem not so great. For one thing, zombies in general and sleeper zombies in particular are so hard of hearing, that you can stomp around at 100% noise level all the time, and you still only alert one or two zombies at a time. In most places, there is no ‘go in guns blazing’ even if you try.

Secondly, you can’t use stealth on horde night, which for the way I play is the biggest challenge the game presents. So investing a lot in light armor seems like a waste. I’ve taken to putting on heavy armor for horde night, whether I’m specced for it or not. Since I’m not one to dive into a Blood Moon horde and duke it out, armor is mostly a ‘just in case’ thing on horde night, good for mitigating the odd cop spit, spider, or vulture that gets through.

Originally posted by seven: I think this would fit better in General Discussions because you're not going to get a "correct" answer.

I agree. Thread moved.

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