about 1 year ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
IMHO, most communities aren't. Getting a VAC ban for some games is almost as easy as breathing.

It isn't like this is a hugely PvP focused community either, which is where most of the people who would likely care exist.
about 1 year ago - Crater Creator - Direct link
When discussing this subject, be aware that all users need to observe the forum rule against naming & shaming.

D5. Naming & Shaming
Content that advances damage to a person or server’s reputation in the community, for instance by alleging griefing, cheating, admin abuse, server bans, or other offenses.

Allegations like these aren’t fair unless proven true, but the staff are unable to investigate what did or didn’t happen outside the forum.

In other words, you’ll pretty much have to stick to generalities.