about 4 hours ago - Roland - Direct link
Originally posted by Avi: ...please, PLEAAASE, don't put more magazines into the game. My worst nightmare would be if we need to find 100 "Heat Resistance Magazines" in order to progress into the Desert. (Judging by the fact that this game has turned into a magazine reading simulator, I'm assuming this is the plan, but feel free to correct me.)

Good news and bad news.

Bad News First: They are adding another magazine to the game specifically for Sledgehammers. If you don't perk into Sledgehammers then it won't affect your gameplay too much since the chance to find those won't be boosted but still....more magazines are coming.

Good News: Resistance to the new biome hazards of smoke, heat, cold, and radiation won't be based on magazines at all so you won't have to search out any magazines in order to progress into the desert. There won't be any heat resistance magazines or radiation prevention magazines etc. Even the new recipes for consumables that increase your time you can stay in a biome can be crafted without needing to read any magazines (that could always change but as of now reading magazines have no part in it)
about 4 hours ago - Roland - Direct link
Originally posted by Avi: ...
After doing some quests, you get access to special (higher difficulty) quests. After doing 3-5 of those you get access to the traders special recipe make the items/potions needed to progress you to the next biome.
No magazines needed.

It will somewhat work like this except instead of getting your tasks from the trader the tasks will show up as new categories in the challenge UI. There will be several tasks you must accomplish and when finished you visit a trader to get your reward which will be the upgrade needed to live in the biome. No magazines will be needed. It isn't going to be a craftable item but more like a special quest item like you see in other RPG games that just sits in your inventory and you can't do anything with it-- you just own it. In this way everyone has to do the tasks for themselves and no one can create or gift the upgrade for anyone else.

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