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Originally posted by itchyfart123: ...players can easily go through 100+ food a day without doing anything stamina heavy and several hundred with stamina heavy activities...
Are you exaggerating? I don’t know how people get in that situation. It’s like we’re playing different games. If I haven’t invested in Healing Factor, I frequently find myself waiting for my hunger to go down more, so that I can use more of the random food I’ve looted and maximize the benefit to both my fullness and my hit points. Within the first week I have a full stack or more of meat and can almost live off of looted canned food. That’s with doing a ton of on-foot map exploring and playing with less than 100% loot.
Also, Rule 1: Cardio’s viability is already heavily slanted to the early game, perhaps to a fault.
It seems as though food consumption is the underlying issue in your experience, and I’m doubtful that Rule 1: Cardio’s implementation is significant there.