over 3 years ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
This exists already.

And if you want more, the developer has made the game so easy to mod, a caveman can do it. There are even a number of already existing modlets that are stupid easy to install that do just this.
over 3 years ago - Crater Creator - Direct link
More zombies means more stuff for the game to do, which means worse performance. That’s pretty fundamental, and it’s been the driving force limiting the zombie counts in the vanilla game. You can bump it up through modding, but meanwhile the devs have to answer to people trying to run it on the minimum system requirements. So the zombie art is being redone to be more efficient, the game makes individual zombies tough, it spawns them close to the player and concentrates them in POIs where the loot is, it deletes them if they go astray, and so on. They’re pretty much doing everything they can to get the most out of each zombie, because it turns out MOAR ZOMBEES is not the simple solution people want it to be.

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