over 1 year
ago -
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RNG is RNG, and decisions are decisions. I crafted my own gear plenty, rarely found a Q6 before I'd already made a Q5 a week or two earlier.
But if you have really good luck or raid higher tier POIs, or grind quests 24/7, I could see you ending up with Q6 gear before you can craft Q5. But I think this is more a matter of the loot lists and such not being fully retailored to account for the crafting curve- Most notably, there just wasn't enough info on the loot list inadequacies prior to the patch going public. The testing group as I understand it never ran into this 'problem'; But after it went live, there's been sporadic reports of people getting Q6 before they can even craft Q5. So I'd expect it to get polished out in the nearer future than the further future.
But if you have really good luck or raid higher tier POIs, or grind quests 24/7, I could see you ending up with Q6 gear before you can craft Q5. But I think this is more a matter of the loot lists and such not being fully retailored to account for the crafting curve- Most notably, there just wasn't enough info on the loot list inadequacies prior to the patch going public. The testing group as I understand it never ran into this 'problem'; But after it went live, there's been sporadic reports of people getting Q6 before they can even craft Q5. So I'd expect it to get polished out in the nearer future than the further future.