about 4 years
ago -
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There's a thousand different interpretations of zombie lore. Smart, dumb, slow, fast, blood hound nose, cant smell a thing, blind, not, sharp ears, deaf, Memory of an elephant, Memory of a goldfish...
They're the exact kind of zombies they are. They have a very strong will to get to your location if they saw you or to get to the location of any sound you made that they heard- But thats where there memory stops. The moment they reach your spot and you aren't there, they'll just go back to wandering.
As to targeting the pillar, There was no intelligence behind it- They just attacked the nearest thing to you that they could reach- Which was the pillar beneath you. Intelligence would have been to find a way up to your location without breaking anything. That the pillar in question happened to be load bearing is another issue entirely that the AI would barely account for in that specific situation.
They're the exact kind of zombies they are. They have a very strong will to get to your location if they saw you or to get to the location of any sound you made that they heard- But thats where there memory stops. The moment they reach your spot and you aren't there, they'll just go back to wandering.
As to targeting the pillar, There was no intelligence behind it- They just attacked the nearest thing to you that they could reach- Which was the pillar beneath you. Intelligence would have been to find a way up to your location without breaking anything. That the pillar in question happened to be load bearing is another issue entirely that the AI would barely account for in that specific situation.