about 9 hours
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First, Chunk Persistence is a setting on the console version, and not the PC. I am not certain what the times are for those, and was not able to find any documentation on it aside from the localization text window which states "Affects the amount of space reserved for saving explored chunks. Longer values allow more chunks to be saved before the oldest and least important begin to reset, while shorter values will cause chunks to reset sooner."
For the PC version, you have "Chunk Reset Time", which is configurable in days. 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 75, 100.
For PC dedicated servers you also have a setting for "Save Data Limit" where you can limit the total amount of disk space for the save, and it will perform an action similar to the Console's Chunk Persistence to reset unused chunks when that size limit is reached.
Neither of these affect FPS or memory. They can shrink the storage by resetting un-visited areas, and that would make region files in the save data smaller.
For the PC version, you have "Chunk Reset Time", which is configurable in days. 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 75, 100.
For PC dedicated servers you also have a setting for "Save Data Limit" where you can limit the total amount of disk space for the save, and it will perform an action similar to the Console's Chunk Persistence to reset unused chunks when that size limit is reached.
Neither of these affect FPS or memory. They can shrink the storage by resetting un-visited areas, and that would make region files in the save data smaller.