The list used to be:
- Bat / Club
- First gun (currently D. Vulture)
- Second gun (currently the TAR)
- Axe
- Wrench / Harvesting tool
- Auger
- Wood frames
- First Aid Kit
This list never changed. Only things that change is before I got a wrench and/or auger I'd have a pick and/or shovel. Also before I get guns slots nr 3 and 4 are for Bow and Torch
With 2000 hours in the game, I'm still getting used to the extra slots but I might replace the auger with a shovel and a pickaxe (Slot 6 and 7, I hate the auger that much), move the frames to slot 8, First Aid kit to Slot 0, and for slot nr 9 ... currently that seems to be the variable "whatever I'm working on right now", so often that is the nailgun or wire tool or something like that.