10 months
ago -
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Originally posted by ZombieCo: -I dislike the skill tree changes which make the game feel bland and generic. No player specialization is necessary. You can just loot your way up the tree.
Believing this is a trap. If your group does not specialize by trading magazines with each other so that only one person is reading any one particular magazine then you will find yourselves stuck half-way up the ladders of the magazine progression. The magazines are simply for crafting so you don't need to have everyone learning the same redundant recipes. If everyone gives one guy all the cooking magazines they find (for example) then he will quickly learn all the recipes and be able to cook for the group. But if everyone just reads every cooking magazine they find themselves then it will take forever for anyone to even be able to cook bacon and eggs.
Specialization is definitely an advantage and I'd even say necessary with the new system.