over 4 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
There is indeed a thing just for this. Top left of the item icon is a mini icon, looks like a book...If it's open, you've read it previously. If it's closed, you haven't read it before.

Re-reading schematics currently gives an exp boost- but it's not really large enough to warrant reading over selling currently, which will hopefully change eventually.
over 4 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Originally posted by Blitz4:
Originally posted by Shurenai: There is indeed a thing just for this. Top left of the item icon is a mini icon, looks like a book...If it's open, you've read it previously. If it's closed, you haven't read it before.

Re-reading schematics currently gives an exp boost- but it's not really large enough to warrant reading over selling currently, which will hopefully change eventually.
Thanks. I thought it was an oversight on my part and was going to move on. But then

Originally posted by SylenThunder: Three threads on this now?

So this sounds like a UI element that should be put on the to-review list as it's not clear at first glance, which means that it's not a perfect design.

There's still one question in the OP that's not answered. How to see all of the items you can craft in the game via a menu.

Edit: It would be nice to get a list of schematics that you've read, similar to the other books, or add a list of all items in the crafting menu.
The more items shown in the crafting menu, the laggier it gets. Issue with how unity handles it, iirc. So the crafting list is broken up by crafting location: EG, Inventory, Crafting Bench, Forge, Chemistry Station, etc; Though you can Search for any item from any crafting location, things you cannot craft at your present station will not appear without searching.

At no point has anyone stated the UI element in question was perfect. Only that the UI element as it is designed works very well once a player is aware it exists. The problem is less with the element itself, and more with how it is presented to the player....or rather how it isn't. There's no tooltip to say it exists, nor game journal entry, or anything really to point it out; and that is a problem that will likely be rectified in the future.
over 4 years ago - Crater Creator - Direct link
Originally posted by Blitz4: Thanks Shurenai. Loving the game. I'm sure once I get to end game, learn what can be done and how to do it, then everything will click.

I remember when the game had the minecraft-style crafting recipes. I used to ask my friends, videos or wiki's to teach me how to craft stuff.

I just tried searching the wiki's and there isn't one complete wiki on all of the craftable items or schematics currently in A19. I'm sure that will change once the game's released. Is there a way to view all craftable items and schematics via some xml search?

Sure: that’s in Config/recipes.xml and Config/items.xml, respectively.

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