9 months ago - Roland - Direct link
I think it is one of the best coop pve games on the market. Working together with a friend or family member to create your base, split up crafting specialties, doing quests together, and surviving blood moon hordes together create a feeling so much more than simply playing a co-op game together. It engenders a real sense of camaraderie between you.

I play with my brother and my mother who both live in different states than me so it is always a great time of togetherness for us.
9 months ago - Roland - Direct link
I would also suggest you play a bit yourself to familiarize yourself with the mechanics. Its good for one person to have some experience with the first few days. Also, expect a bit of a hike to meet up with each other. As soon as you both spawn in, press tab, and then go to the team screen to send invites to become allies so you're player icons show in the compass and on the map and then get together as soon as possible. Once you are together you can complete your opening quest and find the closest trader.

Have fun! We all envy you and your partner at the beginning of your journey with this game...lol