Originally posted by I can't spell:
Originally posted by Shurenai: New with A18/A19; It's not unlimited. Every craft will yield less and less experience until it gives none. Many larger crafting jobs yield XP like this; Compressing ore to stacks just gives a huge amount of exp due to using 6000 items to craft. Also works with wood, stone, and other compression recipes.
But gaining mass exp isn't necessarily a good thing- It could push your gamestage higher than what your equipement is prepared for.
You need to push your gamestage higher in order to GET BETTER EQUIPMENT
Ehm, No...You dont. You can handle low game stage gameplay with low gamestage equipment. You don't need an m60 to deal with a low level zombie when some stone weaponry works just as well.
Does it make it easier? Sure. But it's not necessity by any stretch.
..Also you can CRAFT equipment, if you didn't know. Looting is not in fact the only source contrary to some people's belief. And while parts can be a bit difficult to find, it does not require gamestage to acquire.
In the end, Gamestage is meant to balance the game around your actions- You should be capable in general of dealing with the game and what it throws at with equipment you can acquire at that game stage.