over 1 year ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
Originally posted by Quell:
Originally posted by ladyeternity: It would definitely be a convenience setting. Currently if I am playing a Very Hard modpack or I have turned the settings up to extreme I will jump out at night, set the day/night to real fast, log back in, wait a few minutes for it to tick then jump out and reset it when dawn comes. Sorta fast forward I guess. Better then sitting in my base afk reading while I wait for the time to slowly tick by, which I only did on huge modpacks that take forever to load.

I think it's important to note IF I used this setting it would only be very situational and probably only on the first day or two when I didn't have anything to kill the nasties that appear at night. So it really wouldn't be utilized much by me past like the 2-3 night when I begin a new game. /shrug
what I use instead to skip the night if I dont have anything to do:
Press F1: settime (day) (hour) (minutes)

Replace day with your current day and hour and minutes with 4 30 for example
Just be aware that doing this has a very high chance of irrecoverably breaking all the timers on your save. Forges, workstations, plants, trader restock, and loot/zed respawn.