about 1 year ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
Forest biome has had some of the more dangerous animals reduced, or changed to only spawn at night. Daytime in the forest has been made a bit easier for new players that are just getting started.
Night in the forest is more dangerous now than it has ever been though. With the alpha wolf and other wolves spawning, plus a mechanic that can randomly spawn a snake next to you as you are walking around. You are also more likely to run into bears or zbears at night.
Amount of zombies spawning in the forest has not changed.

The scout zombie that you call the witch used to just call a flat horde whose size was based entirely on your bloodmoon zed count setting.
Now the horde that is called by the scout is based on your personal gamestage. So if you have a lower gamestage, you aren't going to get wrecked by a big horde your character is not capable of defending adequately. The second screamer would not have done anything if the limit for the player had already been reached by the first.