over 3 years
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Working as intended. You do not forget things learned from SCHEMATICS; You DO forget things learned from SKILLS. The skill teaches you the recipe; But it is not the same as reading the schematic item, even though both teach the same recipes..
EG: If you read the Schematic for Iron Tools, You will retain your iron tool craftinga bility regardless of whether or not you use a fergettin elixir. But if you get that recipe from the Miner 69er, then you will lose access to the recipe the moment you use the elixir.
EG: If you read the Schematic for Iron Tools, You will retain your iron tool craftinga bility regardless of whether or not you use a fergettin elixir. But if you get that recipe from the Miner 69er, then you will lose access to the recipe the moment you use the elixir.