10 months
ago -
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I'm not even sure what you're trying to say it does or doesn't do. To my knowledge, The LCB has never 'overridden' or 'expanded' the boundary of the sleeping bag. Both can be placed in the same place, they each do different things and each have different boundary sizes that don't prevent the placement of the other- So what exactly is the perceived problem?
Rather than throwing out a bunch of profanity and insults targeting the devs, You'd be better served articulating exactly what you Think should happen/Want to happen, and what is Actually happening so that anyone here can even understand what you're trying to say.
Rather than throwing out a bunch of profanity and insults targeting the devs, You'd be better served articulating exactly what you Think should happen/Want to happen, and what is Actually happening so that anyone here can even understand what you're trying to say.