about 4 years
ago -
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Honestly, It sounds like one of your friend group has admin access(Or cheat engine or something like it) and is using the spawn menu to screw with everyone.
However, setting that option aside for the moment, It's also a possibility that whoever is hosting doesn't have the computer performance required to host. The games spawning director does it's best to spawn things out of view of the player whenever possible, however if it is falling behind in it's spawning, it will start taking shortcuts by skipping spawning rules in order to catch up, by allowing spawns within view, by allowing spawns closer to the player, etc.
However, setting that option aside for the moment, It's also a possibility that whoever is hosting doesn't have the computer performance required to host. The games spawning director does it's best to spawn things out of view of the player whenever possible, however if it is falling behind in it's spawning, it will start taking shortcuts by skipping spawning rules in order to catch up, by allowing spawns within view, by allowing spawns closer to the player, etc.