10 months ago - Roland - Direct link
Originally posted by rubyismycat: ill keep repeating the point i just made as often as i have to lmao i got lots of water but i need industrial amounts like 1000 bottles of water to make glue and duct tape 5000 bottles of water to make various food items etc etc etc get it now? yes? Good

If you want industrial amounts then you need to build a proper industrial factory. Make more dew collectors or find a mod that makes them produce more bottles each.

Being able to easily produce duct tape and such in the quantities you want trivialize the game and are part of the reason empty jars were removed.
10 months ago - Roland - Direct link
Originally posted by rubyismycat: i know that Roland i dont think it was done well or thought out properly i dont want to make a field of 100 dew collectors defended by auto turrets because just collecting from the 8 i already have is more than annoying and tedius enough thanks and with respect and not wishing to sound rude or cynical i know that with console games there is massive pressure put on devs to stretch out playtime and keep games simple however some pc gamers like myself want maximum complexity and depth with the console release just arround the corner it makes sense for TF~P to dumb the game down to a moronic looter shooter me do fetch quest shooty things bang bang me happy der! level i really do understand and hopefully after the console crowd are happy they might if we pray real hard perhaps maybe make the pc version a deep interesting survival game again possibly

Why do I feel like you were asking your fake question over and over again biding your time until I came along so you could finally post what you really wanted to say….?