over 1 year ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Originally posted by Mithrandir: I didn't see many complaints about quest XP but I've seen quite a few about quest item rewards...

IMO, xp shouldn't be the main balance issue here. Maybe it's just me tho.
It's a mixed bag; High quest exp leads to player level inflation which itself leads to the quest rewards being out-of-keeping with where the player 'should' be in the progression path.

So, if they're of the opinion that quest exp is too high, then rebalancing quest exp first and then viewing the loot balance through that new lens would be best, rather than the other way around where they then have to re-rebalance the loot because they did it too early and the other associated changes made quest/trader loot utterly worthless through compounding actions. At least imo.
over 1 year ago - Crater Creator - Direct link
It would be important to know when that comment was added (possibly June 3rd, but this year?). It could be old and irrelevant or already partially implemented since the numbers are relative. Iā€™m skeptical they would make 1000% changes to anything before the next alpha.

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