about 1 year
ago -
Crater Creator
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The terrain is all shaped by one algorithm to cover any possible configuration of blocks. So for control over the grade/shape of your ramp, it would make more sense to simply dig out a hole and then build your ramp on top of it, using blocks.
I’ve tried to make ramps for vehicles out of terrain. If it’s aligned to an east-west or north-south axis, and you don’t mind a steep 45° angle, then it can work. For anything else, good luck. You’ll get very bumpy results and it won’t be worth the effort in my opinion.
I’ve tried to make ramps for vehicles out of terrain. If it’s aligned to an east-west or north-south axis, and you don’t mind a steep 45° angle, then it can work. For anything else, good luck. You’ll get very bumpy results and it won’t be worth the effort in my opinion.