over 4 years ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
This has been argued to death. Simple traps will not get you EXP. You don't get credit for AFKing a horde. (Which is what most players use traps for.)

Advanced traps do give exp, and is even partially shareable with your party if you put points into it.
over 4 years ago - Crater Creator - Direct link
I have no philosophical objection to that, OP. Even simple traps require time & effort. Traps are in effect consumable, limited use items, the same as bullets or grenades or any more direct ways to get kills.

I disagree with one point, though. The resources you spend actively, personally engaging in combat are never wasted. All damage you do ‘counts’ towards keeping yourself alive, and since this is a survival game I see that as always a critical goal.
over 4 years ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
Originally posted by galdon2004: I feel that you did not read at all what I had wrote, Sylen. I am not suggesting passive EXP; I am pointing out a flaw that traps negate exp you otherwise would have earned while actively engaging a zombie if the trap happens to deal the killing blow.
No I did. You already get exp for gathering the materials to make passive traps, and you get additional exp for crafting said traps. These are traps that require zero interaction from you after placing outside of the occasional repair, which you will also earn exp for.