over 5 years
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I'm sure that this particular zombie will tie in with the storyline on the bandits.
Originally posted by Capt. Q. Schwartz:When you think about a faction of NPC's that is determined to make your life difficult, the idea of them strapping some bombs on zeds that they know are headed your way is simple.Originally posted by SylenThunder: I'm sure that this particular zombie will tie in with the storyline on the bandits.
Seriously? They added an IEZ?
Originally posted by Bdawg977:If you've leveled your gamestage high enough to be getting them on the first horde night, you're focusing a hell of a lot more on leveling up than you should be.Originally posted by SylenThunder: When you think about a faction of NPC's that is determined to make your life difficult, the idea of them strapping some bombs on zeds that they know are headed your way is simple."don't shoot the body" an annoying task if you've only got some shotgun shells and a shotgun, plus its way too early to be dealing with on the FIRST hoard night
Also note, if you don't shoot the body, you can usually kill them well before they get close enough to do any core damage. Just keep a constant eye for them, and pop em in the head a few times. They aren't easy to drop, but they aren't much harder than a regular cop either.