over 4 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Originally posted by CoinSpin: I like to think of the meat quantities as a unit of measure. Like, for instance, 7 meat is actually 7 ounces of meat. It helped me make sense of the whole system way back when I first had the same gut reaction that the OP is having.

My internal logic for justifying the requirements to myself goes like this: Why can't I just cook 1 oz of meat? Too small, it won't even impact my hunger, probably get overcooked, maybe drop into the fire through the grill. I need at least a 4oz piece of meat to make a dent in my appetite (think of it as a 1/4 pound burger maybe, if that helps). Just sometimes makes it easier to set aside the weird harvesting balance mechanics when you can come up with an explanation that works, and then set it aside as "not so weird any more" :munchies:
This applies to many things in the game, tbh. For example, Gasoline. It's not as if we're carrying 10,000 individual gas cans when we have a stack of gas- We're carrying 10,000 units of gasoline in A, singular, gas can. Inventory stacks are a quasi-nebulous unit of measurement that can mean just about anything.

A stack of 150 meat could be literally just one big hunk of meat, for example, which you slice 5 units worth off in order to make a meal. That it auto-stacks and quasi-amalgamates together is just a game thing. When harvested, i believe you get 5 meat at a time at a minimum- Which means, regardless of how players might feel about it, 5 meat IS one steak, simple as that- That you can slice it into smaller pieces by splitting 1 out of the stack doesn't mean 1 now becomes a whole steak. Cutting a burger in half does not result in two whole burgers. It results in two half burgers.

Edit: with the above said, I wouldn't be terribly against adding a cooking recipe like beef jerky or something that only uses one meat each.......But, honestly, the addition of such a thing will just annoy players to no end because "It's not filling enough and I have to eat like 25-50 of them at a time, which takes forever!" ...