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Originally posted by Delacroix: Motorcycle bag:Vehicle mods are arriving in a20
We could equip Triple Storage Pocket Mod on motorcycles or have a modification for it.
Originally posted by Delacroix: Helicopter that takes off vertically:Doesn't really fit the theme of the game, though I do wish for a 2-seat gyro.
Have a new type of helicopter with this mobility and it could also be used to carry things like other players.
Originally posted by Delacroix: Drones, dogs and horses as pets:Drone is coming in a20. Other pets aren't likely, but are possible. (I don't recall the developers last stance on this, but I think tamed dogs/wolves was a maybe.)
I think it would be really cool if we had drones or dogs to accompany us and help fight the zombies. Bearing in mind that it would be I need to repair the drone or feed and use other healing items on the dog such as Aloe Vera to treat bleeding. The horseit could be more of a vehicle but with the same principle as the dog, but only to take care of.
Originally posted by Delacroix: Improve the design of armor and 3D models for character creation:Read the a20 dev news for the information about this. Has been pushed to a21 currently though.
We already have an improvement in the textures of the zombies, now we could also have an improvement in the textures for creating characters and mainly for armor. The steel armor design is really ugly and out of proportion to the character's body.
Originally posted by Delacroix: More brush texture options:I know the block system is getting a bit of love for a20. I do hope the paintbrush does as well.
I think it would be very interesting to have more choices of textures for the brush in the future. The textures we have at the moment, many of them do not combine with each other. Especially if you want to do something like a stove like for example.