about 1 year ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Originally posted by Zulu:
Originally posted by !C4ught/M3^withMYN4D30ut: several of my friends played this for less than 4 hours :shockjockey:

Well they definitely missed out.

Originally posted by Pagan: many people buy games on sale and never install them

Why though?
Because sale. Because our brains are programmed to seek such opportunities that allow us to expend less resources for more gain...

It's why sales are considered to be psychologically manipulative. It drives people to buy things they dont really want because it's cheaper. 80% off! What a deal! It drives people at stores to take 2 for 1 or 3 for 2 type deals when they only Needed or Wanted 1. Because it's a deal- You get more for a marginal increase in the price.

People will just load up a dozen games for the price of what they would have bought the one they actually wanted for at full price.. And it doesn't matter that they don't play any of the other 11 of them because, to the human brain, they saved that much on the resource vs gain proposition by getting 12 for the price of 1.

Maybe sometimes they WILL play one or two of those other games. But most people definitely don't. From the perspective of your brain, having those options is valuable, and it's not like they just go away because you haven't launched them.. They're there, Waiting.

Bundles like Humble Bundle are very similar. You might throw in $10 to get the one game you actually want, but, the rest are a mixed bag that you may not want.

I don't do sales anymore, or bundles.. I have a library of close to 1000 games and access to like 1000 more from family sharing. And I've probably only installed and played like 250 of them- And much of that was driven by a concerted effort to play through everything in my library at one point.

Of the games I actually put any meaningful amount of time into, it's prolly closer to like, 100. Most things on my played list after the 100th are at around 10 hours or less played.... And of the first 100, many are free to ply games, and like 5-10 of them are primarily-idle games like AdVenture Capitalist, Clicker Heroes, Ragnarok Clicker, where the amount of active playtime is much lower than the time played.

So I don't buy things now unless I have a plan to play them within a month tops.
about 1 year ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
Originally posted by Alucard †: Same as with Terraria's workbench achievement and similar basic achievements in other games it depends when the achieve was added to the game. If it was from the start or added much later.

If it was added later in the game development then the % will be weird.
Yep. Achievements weren't added until around Alpha 14. Which was almost three years after the game was available on Steam.

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