about 1 year ago - Shurenai - Direct link
C. They calculate the path of least resistance from their current location to your location without regard for visual blockage- Much to some people's annoyance.

This does mean, however, that you CAN trick them in other ways, though I'll leave it to you to figure out if you're so inclined.

But the general rule is that they will take the path of least resistance based on
A: total block HP (doors count as half their actual HP to reflect the possibility of it being open or closed at any given time),
and B: least time taken- If it would take them longer to break the block(s) obstructing their
path than to walk around to an open path, they'll walk around.

and will redirect if that path changes... And they only check so far around themselves, so extensive horizontal mazes will mostly just make them burrow through in one area instead of taking the maze despite the fact that the maze is, objectively, an open path for them to walk through.

The only difference in their pathing between a blood moon and any other time is that during the blood moon they ALWAYS know exactly where you are, while any other time they only know you're there if they see you, otherwise they're tracking any sound they may have heard.. In any case, the behavior is the same. Navigate from A-> through least resistance.

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