over 1 year
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Originally posted by Ogami: I put a wood fence piece on the top of my stilt base resting on 12 pure steel pillars and it collapsed the entire base. Somehow i dont think this is how that works.You need to be incredibly careful with SI ESPECIALLY when working top down.
In the end its my fault because i did neglect to look at the stability but some of those total collapses are weird.
The way it works makes it incredibly prone to cascading collapses; Because rubble counts as weight as well.
So if you modify the top of your build, and each floor of the build is built near the fringes of it's max load, not at but maybe 20-50 weight away, when the floor above suddenly collapses onto it, it goes WAY over, and collapses as well; which will collapse the floor below it, and the floor below that, until it reaches flat and totally stable ground.
Everything has weight. Blocks, chests, crates, your forges, plants, trees, the player, collapsing rubble- Everything. And you need to build your structures with that in mind.
To answer the OP's question, No, there really isn't. It's all the SI system, mine collapses are not their own special system. You could enable debug mode every time you play and turn off structural calculations, but then whenever it gets turned back on- which it inevitably will when you reload into the save- it's likely going to re-calculate all SI in the vicinity and everything will collapse.
To be frank, You didn't properly support your mine- Even if you think you did- Or it wouldn't have collapsed. The block of iron bit is a bit odd; But it likely means that the area was already over capacity and the game just hadn't 'noticed' as it were; You remove that block, it re-calcs the stability, and discovers it's over-load and initiates a collapse.