about 1 year
ago -
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The climbing zombie was removed, but even when it existed, Have you SEEN what parkour people do to walls? Not exactly magic to scale a wall... Especially one with handholds every meter on the meter at the least.
Demo has C4/bombs strapped to it's body as Seftak said.
Some living IRL animals vomit acid as an 'attack', A zombie doing it is an abnormal mutation- But not outside the keeping of reality.
The only thing that is arguably magical is the zombies ability to sense everywhere on horde night- But it's known that they're a hivemind, So it's very plausible, at least imo, That they're acting on information you aren't really aware of to pinpoint your location. Smells, previous awareness of sounds and lights, traces of you coming and going in an area that you never think about, etc.
We don't yet know how they're hiveminded together- But, it is nevertheless scientifically plausible in some way or another- Pando the tree for example spans 47,000 trunks if not more and is the largest single organism on earth, Mycelial networks in some places span hundreds if not thousands of acres able to instantly transmit information from one end to the other... Nature is crazy.
If you want magic, That's what mods are for.
Demo has C4/bombs strapped to it's body as Seftak said.
Some living IRL animals vomit acid as an 'attack', A zombie doing it is an abnormal mutation- But not outside the keeping of reality.
The only thing that is arguably magical is the zombies ability to sense everywhere on horde night- But it's known that they're a hivemind, So it's very plausible, at least imo, That they're acting on information you aren't really aware of to pinpoint your location. Smells, previous awareness of sounds and lights, traces of you coming and going in an area that you never think about, etc.
We don't yet know how they're hiveminded together- But, it is nevertheless scientifically plausible in some way or another- Pando the tree for example spans 47,000 trunks if not more and is the largest single organism on earth, Mycelial networks in some places span hundreds if not thousands of acres able to instantly transmit information from one end to the other... Nature is crazy.
If you want magic, That's what mods are for.