over 4 years
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The schems can drop at gamestage 0, as far as I know. All schematics can. However, ALL schematics share the same drop table. If you loot a bookshelf, you have an equal chance to get the antibiotics recipe as you do to get the steel tools one or the iron pickaxe one.
Herbal antibiotics are meant to be the more easily renewable version of antibiotics- Not a middle tier version (Although it does occupy that position as well.); It's something made by the player, or sold by the trader, not found when exploring.
Also most things that take a chem station can be crafted in a campfire with a beaker for an increased material cost. Not exactly ideal, but, can allow you to make chem station items far sooner than when you obtain a chem station.
Part of the game is supposed to be dealing with the hand you're dealt- If you don't roll the antibiotics schematic early, then you need to find other solutions.
Herbal antibiotics are meant to be the more easily renewable version of antibiotics- Not a middle tier version (Although it does occupy that position as well.); It's something made by the player, or sold by the trader, not found when exploring.
Also most things that take a chem station can be crafted in a campfire with a beaker for an increased material cost. Not exactly ideal, but, can allow you to make chem station items far sooner than when you obtain a chem station.
Part of the game is supposed to be dealing with the hand you're dealt- If you don't roll the antibiotics schematic early, then you need to find other solutions.