almost 4 years
ago -
Crater Creator
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Long ago, there were more zombies milling about in the city. Now they’re overwhelmingly tied up in the POIs, so it’s become a nonissue.
The one downside I can think of is, because your base is close to several POIs, you may never be far enough away from them for long enough for their loot to respawn. So you may be hurting yourself by having the closest buildings permanently depleted of loot.
Given the advantage a close trader provides - both in terms of goods for sale, and the ability for their quests to reset a POI, thus overriding the loot respawn timer - I think it’s well worth it.
The one downside I can think of is, because your base is close to several POIs, you may never be far enough away from them for long enough for their loot to respawn. So you may be hurting yourself by having the closest buildings permanently depleted of loot.
Given the advantage a close trader provides - both in terms of goods for sale, and the ability for their quests to reset a POI, thus overriding the loot respawn timer - I think it’s well worth it.