over 4 years
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Bow is my primary weapon for most of my gameplay. Sure the primitive bow is not great, but it's a starter item, so it's not expected to be. Once you upgrade to the wooden bow, and again the compound bow, it improves dramatically.
Also, how is the wooden bow not accessible? Early on you just loot and visit traders. Usually have one set up by the second horde.
Your dissertation sounds like you want bows to be more on-par with guns. Which just isn't reasonable. They're currently pretty well balanced for the gameplay they are designed for.
Also, how is the wooden bow not accessible? Early on you just loot and visit traders. Usually have one set up by the second horde.
Your dissertation sounds like you want bows to be more on-par with guns. Which just isn't reasonable. They're currently pretty well balanced for the gameplay they are designed for.