over 1 year ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
Originally posted by Redarmy:
Originally posted by tmo97: i think steam should just enforce that early access games no longer be advertised on their platform and i think that you shouldn't be allowed to keep a game in alpha for 8 years and you shouldn't be allowed to sell an alpha game for more than $3 because you can just change anything and everything at any point and people who paid $20 are constantly getting a completely different experience and with modding being as crummy as it is and with devs flat-out refusing to add more world settings or legacy preferences

people who disagree can enter trash, smug bastards who are still in the age of "if u donte like it u donte hafe to playee it"
agreed. looking at my steam library,most games are EA and i at this point have seen major issues with all of them.

wont buy another EA game again...unfortunately that means there isnt much left other than trash AAA games....seems like the future of gaming is in a bad way.
It is. Especially since those recycled trash AAA games are now starting out at $70.

Though to be fair, of all the EA games I have supported and played with, 7 Days is the one that sticks with me the most. I pretty much have to play it modded though, as Vanilla doesn't offer up much challenge other than turning the zeds into sponges.
over 1 year ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
Originally posted by Redarmy:
Originally posted by Pain Weasel: How does adding a bonus or fast travel force you to use it?

I mean they have traders, but I rarely use them either.

It isn't like TFP is sending a goon over to my house to play the way they want with a gun to my head.
it isnt about using it or not using it. just like a can use console command to spawn in a water purifier if i dont like the current system...its about the direction the dev's are going. And if certain directions impact "core mechanics" it spells disaster ,which is what we are witnessing.
Not to state the obvious, but the game IS in Alpha development. Which is the stage where the developer works on creating, changing, and balancing the core aspects of the game.

Did someone fool you into thinking this is a finished product?

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