over 4 years ago - Crater Creator - Direct link
Well said, OP.

I am not for punishing players so they stop doing something I don’t like.

I am for taking measures to balance the utility of different tactics against each other.

This survival game is better without cheese: without a no brainer solution that lacks the trade offs of better developed gameplay. There’s always someone that pouts “if you don’t like [cheesy imbalance] just don’t do it!” But this sentiment is unhelpful for those that care about balance and improving the game.
over 4 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Originally posted by jojo: i agree with the measures against riding away from blood moon zombies, but i think vultures shouldnt be able to get you while you're on a vehicle regularly. i dont care what kind of head canon mutations you can come up with, a vulture cant perfectly pursue a fast vehicle like that. so when its not the blood moon, just have the birds leave us alone while we're riding.
Well.....You might be surprised to learn that the vehicles we craft with lawnmower engines do not actually go all that fast. The fastest is the motorcycle at 14m/s while turboing- 31~mph. But it gets slower from there. Plenty of birds can hit 30mph.

But lets go with the Turkey Vulture. Their average relaxed soaring speed is around 20-22~mph. But their dive speeds can hit close to 55-60mph. You don't have a prayer of outrunning them even in the motorcycle, Let alone the 4x4 or minibike. Even the gyro doesn't go fast enough to outrun em.

Plus the vultures in game are not living- They're zombies. They'll happily go at speeds that exceed the norm because they're not normal.

TL;DR: You ain't outrunning the vultures in the vehicles we have in game if things are to continue being pseudo-realistic.

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