over 4 years
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Wiring is one directional- However when objects capable of manipulating something are wired directly to one another they can both trigger what is down the line without affecting one another; It works with motion sensors and pressure plates, Not 100% sure it works with switches though as I've never personally tried with them..
But it's very important there is nothing wired between the two trigger objects, It has to go Camera->Camera->Door, Or Pressure->Pressure->Door; No relays or anything else between the cameras/pressure plates, Although there can be something between the triggers and the object being triggered.
If there IS something between the two trigger objects, then the first trigger object in line will determine if the second can even function.
But it's very important there is nothing wired between the two trigger objects, It has to go Camera->Camera->Door, Or Pressure->Pressure->Door; No relays or anything else between the cameras/pressure plates, Although there can be something between the triggers and the object being triggered.
If there IS something between the two trigger objects, then the first trigger object in line will determine if the second can even function.