Originally posted by Arnold J. Rimmer BSc, SSc.:
Originally posted by Aoroi:
Somewhat? I will say this is a sore spot for me, as someone who got the console version and then the PC, mainly because it was marketed as a completed game back then.
Don't get me wrong, I feel I got my moneys worth out of both purchases now, but to be "sold" a game when it was still early alpha as if it was finished was poorly done. Heck, in store they were playing the 7D2D ad on their regular tvs as well as the pre-order kiosk (best buy). If I was told it was coming out as an alpha build on console to raise additional funds, I still would have gotten it. It would have lessened the "this wasn't what we were promised" feeling.
But, at least I got a free zombie movie with the game.
And yeah, if I had a current gen console, I would probably buy this again. It is fun.
You're bringing up hurt for me too. It was a $50 AUD game and the PSN store page didn't say a single word about it being early access. That's why I also considered it a scam.
Yeah, Depending on when you bought it, that's entirely possible.
Telltale Games was nearing bankruptcy and in an attempt to draw in cash they did two things. One, They pretty significantly deviated the console version from the PC version, this was in A14, the existing 2016 console version is basically A14 with some A15 and A16 stuff mixed in... And Two, and this is the bit that likely tripped you up, they officially released the 2016 console version in an effort to rake in some last second cash through sales of the ostensibly 1.0 product... So the 2016 console version is not, and has not been, early access for years- It's 1.0 finalized thanks to Telltale Games.. And it's likely your purchase took place After that 'release', meaning you didn't buy an early access title, you bought a finished product.. The PSN store page wouldn't say anything about it being EA because it had been released. and I get how that sucks.
Unfortunately, reversing that decision to make it 1.0 finalized is not an option. and due to Microsoft/PSN store rules that prohibit officially released games from pushing updates that would break existing saves, TFP quite literally can't bring the 2016 console version up to parity with the PC version since every version since A14 has broken saves... And so we have this coming re-release.
I totally understand why you feel scammed; you essentially were. Most of the weight of blame falls squarely on Telltale as they're the ones that made some desperate grabs for money before ultimately going bankrupt.. Now, TFP isn't entirely out of the blame field since they picked Telltale Games as the publisher- At the same time though, when Telltale was made the publisher, they were one of the most popular and seemingly successful zombie game publishers at the time due to the walking dead and whatnot; predicting a sudden collapse and bankruptcy based on what at the time was a wildly successful publisher would be a bit unreasonable (IMO).
Edit: Re the achievements from your second post above, I can't speak to much, but I can say that on the PC version the achievements were recently reworked quite a bit; And one of the things that did happen was dramatically lowering the kills required for the PVP achievments.. Now I believe it requires a total of 25 kills to get all of them.