over 4 years ago - Crater Creator - Direct link
They take longer to dig up? We have the shrinking radius now. It shrinks every 6 blocks for me with some Lucky Looter goggles. I can accept a treasure quest from the trader at 20:00 and turn it in before they close.

I'm with you on the lock though. You spend time repetitively poking at the ground, only to repetitively poke at the chest if you don't have lockpicks. They should change that just for the sake of breaking up the gameplay. That's why I like the treasure quests more than the challenges. With those, the chest is unlocked, but you get a horde of zombies instead.

When the chest, or any container disappears, it's supposed to drop its contents in what now looks like a backpack. Unless there's some special rule for treasure chests, you either missed it or it fell through the ground. :steamsad:
over 4 years ago - Crater Creator - Direct link
Sure enough, quests.xml confirms that the "default_radius" for all treasure maps is 9, whereas for buried supplies quests it's 5 for tier I and 7 for tier II. Perhaps the plan was to have 5 tiers of buried supplies quests, with the radius for treasure maps set in the middle: what it'd be for tier III quests.

But your claim, as I understood it, was that it takes longer to dig up than it did in Alpha 18, and I still question that. Unfortunately the default_radius property wasn't specified in quests.xml for treasure maps in A18, so it's hard to prove without re-downloading A18. But the radius for buried supplies quests was unchanged, and in any case A19 adds the shrinking radius, which is supposed to make it faster/easier to dig up.
over 4 years ago - Crater Creator - Direct link
Originally posted by leblancdan:
Originally posted by Crater Creator: But your claim, as I understood it, was that it takes longer to dig up than it did in Alpha 18, and I still question that. Unfortunately the default_radius property wasn't specified in quests.xml for treasure maps in A18, so it's hard to prove without re-downloading A18. But the radius for buried supplies quests was unchanged, and in any case A19 adds the shrinking radius, which is supposed to make it faster/easier to dig up.

I am not going to debate my "claim". I made a statement, not a claim. Grow up and learn some humilty.

My word choice is correct.

claim | klām |
state or assert that something is the case, typically without providing evidence or proof.

You said that they take longer to dig up in A19. You later tried to move the goalposts that you meant relative to treasure quests, but the meaning in your original post is clear. That statement, claim, assertion, etc. is false, and here's the proof.


I activated Taylor's treasure map and laid a wooden frame under every voxel for which the treasure icon blinked red, indicating to dig there.

In Alpha 18, there was an area of 270 blocks, and the treasure was under 2 blocks of dirt.

In Alpha 19, there was an area of 213 blocks, and the treasure was again under 2 blocks of dirt.

So it wouldn't take longer to dig up in A19 even if the zone didn't change size as you dig. The area and thus the average time was actually reduced, just by setting the default_radius and making no other changes.

But that's of course ignoring the bigger new feature, which was added in A19 to make them take less time to dig up. Which is, that the radius decreases every time you dig a certain number of blocks in the zone. Along with other benefits, this significantly reduces the number of blocks you have to dig on average.

I sympathize that the loot disappeared on you, but the fact is that digging to treasure chests got faster since A18, not slower. If it's taking you longer now, it's nothing the game has done.