about 4 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
No exp from trap kills. One of the skills in the intelligence tree will let you get partial exp for 'Electrical' trap kills, EG: from dart traps, auto turrets, blade traps, electric fences; But none from wooden spikes, barbed wire, etc.

They do take damage from falls, i'm not sure on how far they have to fall for it, but, they do. However fall damage is capped at 33~% of their maximum health in a single instance; So it would take three successive falls to kill or almost kill one.

Servers typically reflect if they're pvp or not in their title. If it's not pvp, it's by extension co-op or solo-op(solo-op meaning people playing 'together' in the server but 'separately' in the game world) - You can always find whichever you're looking for via the Server or Meeting room sub forums on the right side of the discussion board.

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