about 1 year
ago -
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The biggest issue you're going to have hosting a server on that machine is the obsolete CPU that is below min spec, and will fall even further below min spec when it gets warm. You have 4 CPU cores, not 8.
Also, don't upgrade to 11. Wipe it and run headless Linux. That will help a little bit with having a pathetic craptop CPU. Not using the 980M for a fancy display will keep the heat down a little bit too.
Also note that if you have the original platter drive that shipped with the laptop, you are not going to have a good time.
Also, don't upgrade to 11. Wipe it and run headless Linux. That will help a little bit with having a pathetic craptop CPU. Not using the 980M for a fancy display will keep the heat down a little bit too.
Also note that if you have the original platter drive that shipped with the laptop, you are not going to have a good time.