about 1 year ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
The biggest issue you're going to have hosting a server on that machine is the obsolete CPU that is below min spec, and will fall even further below min spec when it gets warm. You have 4 CPU cores, not 8.

Also, don't upgrade to 11. Wipe it and run headless Linux. That will help a little bit with having a pathetic craptop CPU. Not using the 980M for a fancy display will keep the heat down a little bit too.

Also note that if you have the original platter drive that shipped with the laptop, you are not going to have a good time.
about 1 year ago - Crater Creator - Direct link
The 10240 map is bigger so, if anything, it’s going to perform worse than the 6040. But I agree that the effect on frame rate (as opposed to, say, time for your friends to download it) may be negligible.

Regarding the Blood Moon count, be aware that while you have it set to 64 concurrent zombies per person, there’s a separate, overriding limit for total zombies loaded on the server at once. I believe this is also around 64 by default.

If you’re willing to take one for the team, you might run the dedicated server on your new machine with (I presume) better specs, and connect as a client to play from your old gaming laptop.

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