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Originally posted by Pain Weasel: Or unlimited magazines at a Crack A Book.Quest resets on logout as a failsafe against crashes and disconnects, and because it errs towards providing relief to people who have to log out due to IRL issues/experience crashes/etc over being punishing against people happy to abuse the mechanics...
If someone wants to do this sort of thing, why not just hop into creative and give yourself whatever you want? Save time.Originally posted by NHL12: but why would it respawn back after restarting lol, are you playing onlineIt doesn't matter. It is the quest mechanic that causes it to reset and this only works with an active quest to that POI, you can't just walk up to any random POI and force a reset.
When you activate a quest it resets the POI, logging out resets the quest, which is pretty stupid. Resetting the POI on start makes sense and is necessary to have quests work properly, but logging out should fail the quest, not reset it.
Either way, I expect this will be patched out at some point. As it should be.
Which is to say, the devs would rather that people who suddenly have to log out mid-quest for legitimate reasons or who crash or disconnect unexpectedly in multiplayer can just re-start their quest when they come back, as opposed to making it auto-fail to deter/prevent people from abusing the POI reset function.
Originally posted by I can't spell:Right... But you're not logging out 'for lunch or whatever'; You're logging out explicitly because it lets you reset the POI again. You're exploiting the game mechanics in a way that gives you an amount of benefit that is on par with having creative mode. You're, functionally, cheating- Because the way the game is INTENDED to be played does not include you logging in and out hundreds of times to gain massive quantities of materials in a few ingame minutes/hours... The game is intended to be played without logging out except when you're done with your play session, and has some safe guards built in for legitimate emergencies that you're abusing to your own ends.Originally posted by Alucard †: "I'm going to cheat but i won't resort to cheating"
creative mode is clearly cheating. If I have to log out for lunch or whatever... well not so much.
You CAN just log in and out over and over; But that doesn't mean it's the intended way of doing things. Very similarly, you CAN just set the zombies to all walk and put the difficulty on easiest- Or just turn enemies off entirely so there's nothing to threaten you. Or even enable creative mode, after all it's a function built into the game, by your logic that's not cheating, right? It wouldn't be there if you weren't supposed to (ab)use it.