over 1 year
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Personally, I've enjoyed every alpha more than the last. Not the case for everyone though. I've played pretty much every alpha since Alpha 1, some more than others due to irl constraints.
Originally posted by Duke H. Vytantis: 16.4 made a lot of sense to me, it is also when I started playing but I just really liked the old school rpg-grind-to-become-better-at-a-thing system.Cobblestone. The order of block progression is Wood->Cobblestone->Concrete->Steel. Cobble is way more durable than wood is.
i do not know how to feel about the weapon system of old being switched out to what it is now. it was kinda cool how you could combine parts to make guns and vehicles and the quality of the items determined the quality of your result.
it was a nice atrophy-through-use system.
the world itself, poi's and visual improvements of this are second to none in this update tho. aswell as the ability of all of this enabled by the super advanced/deep block system they implemented in an earlier update. it is straight up gold.
i just wish there was a stage of block power in the earlier game more BEFORE going to concrete. we used to have fortified wood / scrap iron