about 1 year
ago -
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You might try Undead Legacy or War of the Walkers. One I really enjoyed for awhile was District Zero which replaces the zombies with robots and changes some of the fundamental vanilla rules.
Actually, I recommend that you download Sphereii's modlauncher and just explore the list of mods that are included in it. It makes trying lots of different overhaul mods easy to do and you can see the whole list of those mods that are updated for A21. Maybe one will really gel with your group.
Here is the link: https://7d2dmodlauncher.org/
Actually, I recommend that you download Sphereii's modlauncher and just explore the list of mods that are included in it. It makes trying lots of different overhaul mods easy to do and you can see the whole list of those mods that are updated for A21. Maybe one will really gel with your group.
Here is the link: https://7d2dmodlauncher.org/