8 months ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
Originally posted by Deathless:
Originally posted by Mithrandir: There are so many things you seem to dislike, I don't understand why you're so upset to play 1.0 (A22) experimental 2 days later than the streamers...
Do you know any other devs that force you to wait for an update and give update to streamers to try to hype the game up..cause I dont know of any. We paid for the game
They aren't forcing you to wait for anything. You would be getting access at the same time regardless of the Streamer Weekend.

On top of that, the access you are being so hot and demanding about is an Unstable Experimental build that will have bugs that still need to be fixed.
Streamer weekend has zero effect on when you will get access to either the Unstable Experimental build, or to the Stable build when it releases.

This topic has already been beaten to death over the past few years. Your thread really isn't going to change anything.
8 months ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Originally posted by Deathless:
Originally posted by SylenThunder: They aren't forcing you to wait for anything. You would be getting access at the same time regardless of the Streamer Weekend.

On top of that, the access you are being so hot and demanding about is an Unstable Experimental build that will have bugs that still need to be fixed.
Streamer weekend has zero effect on when you will get access to either the Unstable Experimental build, or to the Stable build when it releases.

This topic has already been beaten to death over the past few years. Your thread really isn't going to change anything.
Well something needs to change after all these years its always the samething every single year when the game finally gets updated. Then we are forced to wait till a weekday to play the game after the streamers get to play the entire weekend, The fact is the game is already not stable because its alpha unstable vs stable not much difference after 10 years of updates...
You'd be waiting till a week day to play no matter what. The developers aren't going to push out a public build on a friday then go home and have a relaxing weekend. They push the build public on Monday so they can have all hands on deck for quick hotfixes to the bugs the public discovers.

If it bothers you so much to play on a weekday... Don't. You can just as well wait until the following friday to play and have the whole weekend to enjoy yourself. It's not an MMO where you get some kind of bonus for being on the bleeding edge, and you're actually likely to have a better time of it if you wait a few days than if you dive in moment one.
8 months ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
Originally posted by Deathless:
Originally posted by SylenThunder: They aren't forcing you to wait for anything. You would be getting access at the same time regardless of the Streamer Weekend.

On top of that, the access you are being so hot and demanding about is an Unstable Experimental build that will have bugs that still need to be fixed.
Streamer weekend has zero effect on when you will get access to either the Unstable Experimental build, or to the Stable build when it releases.

This topic has already been beaten to death over the past few years. Your thread really isn't going to change anything.
Well something needs to change after all these years its always the samething every single year when the game finally gets updated. Then we are forced to wait till a weekday to play the game after the streamers get to play the entire weekend, The fact is the game is already not stable because its alpha unstable vs stable not much difference after 10 years of updates...
You would have been waiting until a weekday regardless. They avoid pushing major builds to the public right before taking a weekend off.
They will always release these on Monday so that they can be "all hands on deck" in case any serious issues arise.

The Streamer Weekend actually helps you get access to a better experimental build than you would have anyway. If they notice something seriously breaking that got missed in QA, they can work to fix it first thing Monday morning before they allow the public to opt-in to the unstable experimental build.
8 months ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
Originally posted by simon: OP doesn't seem to understand the term early. The streamers are getting the game early. The date we get to play it is the same irrelevant of when the streamers get to play it. Again the streamers are getting it early as in before the release date.
I think that is the OP's main argument. They want it early too.
Too bad.