Changelog for A19 b180
- Utility_celltower_02
- Allow the complete freezing of zombies within the game (ctrl-num* toggles)
- Add chunk boundary markers that look like the land claim bounds box (Shift-num toggles)
- Worlds' splat maps support PNG again to reduce world sizes
- Replaced collider and shadow caster on car parts ramp
- 40 prefab materials to use the crossfade shader
- 100 block entities to consistent LOD culling heights
- Top tier foods sell for more dukes, and no longer have economic bundles of 5 but 1, so single meals can be sold
- Wine kegs are not lootable
- Client view distance setting ignored for player render distance
- Blocks with simple rotation enabled cannot be reversed with R key
- Prefab editor client does not render terrain sometimes
- Z fighting and missing block in modern_01
- Zfighting in modular 7
- Clipping tree in cabin_15
- Zfighting on house_burnt_02
- Loot containers and store shelves aim\target fighting
- Zombies "popup" after knockdown stun while electrified
- Zombie electrocution anim starting late
- Zombie electrocution anim playing too long
- UpdateNPCStatsOverTime not playing damage effects (electrocution) if total health change was positive from regen
- POI Diner_01 shelving collider interrupts loot container
- Biker cannot fit under chain link pole in utility_waterworks_01
- Cigar on Hotbar Adds Extra Str and Bartering
- Blunderbuss animates a flare from the muzzle when equipped
- Hands invisible when wearing Military Gloves
- Sticky projectiles prevent hitting blocks/zombies
- Perks that increase fire rate do not work until modification screen is opened and closed
- Steel armor parts are using same description as weapons and tool parts
- Journal updated for Treasure Map Journal Entry
- Arrows and bolts are not showing in weapons and not sticking to zombies properly
- Spears do not follow the entities they are stuck in
- 3 zombies can't go through cabin_11's doorway
- Zombies get stuck on trapSpikesNew
- Take all pulling items from containers in wrong order
- Replaced a misplaced destroyed concrete texture with the proper brick texture in business_burnt_02
- Updated destroyed concrete textures in store_autoparts_01
- Floating chandelier in vic_01
- Skyscraper_04 has strange destroyed concrete textures
- Kinematic body only supports Speculative Continuous collision detection
- Zombies get stuck between 50 pillars
- Wrenching animations not working on POI radiators