almost 4 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
I mean, There's certainly a lot of people convinced that you need a cheese base to fight the hordes. But you definitely do not Need one to fight the horde. You can make just about any kind of base you want, really; All that is important is that whatever method you choose, you avoid allowing the zombies to bunch up in one place all attacking the same object(s) in a small area.

Many people have particular issues with the Demolisher who if not handled properly can do his namesake and demolish a decent area when he explodes; But again, you do not NEED a cheese base to fight him. Cheese bases certainly make it easier, to the point of being hilariously easy even, but, not even close to a necessity.

You can, if you want, and with the right knowhow of the game mechanics and items to use, just stand outside and fight the zombies fist to face without ever even building a horde base. Which in itself kindof speaks to the fact that a cheese base is not necessity, imo.

I will also add, though, that your first few bases will likely fail in some way that you didn't expect- Although as a previous player you probably have at least some ideas of what not to do.

And I think that's where a lot of people go wrong, and why there's such a strong sentiment that cheese is 'necessary'.

If their base fails they get angry, and instead of learning from it they just flip the table then go copy some guaranteed cheese base so they dont have to think about building in this game largely about building. Cheese doesn't really 'fail', so by cheesing, they cannot fail, and thus feel good; And since they can't succeed without effort without the cheese, cheese becomes defacto necessity in their eyes. They take no chances, they want no risks.

For certain kinds of players It's "BS" that zombies can find a way to you, it's "Boring" when the zombies can't. It's "Annoying" when it's a mix of both; There's no 'winning formula' for the dev against that kind of player, only cheese will satisfy them. (And woe should the dev remove cheese and AI exploits.)

Anywho, Rant aside, TL;DR: No, You do not need cheese to succeed.