4 days
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Difficulty level only affects simulated hp levels. Higher difficulty means that you hit zeds for less, and they hit you for more. It also adjusts the % chance for zombies to enter rage mode.
It does not affect your game stage.
GS13 for playing five days is actually a bit low. Your friends probably have a higher gamestage, and the zeds around them will be based on their GS. Night time has more difficult spawns as well. What biome and POI you are in will additionally adjust gamestage and lootstages.
It isn't black and white. There are a lot of different things to take into account. If you think it's going to be easy mode when you're a nooblet because you are hanging around higher level people, that isn't going to be the case. Higher level players with a higher gamestage will call on higher level enemies. Doesn't matter that you're sitting there with hardly any experience.
It does not affect your game stage.
GS13 for playing five days is actually a bit low. Your friends probably have a higher gamestage, and the zeds around them will be based on their GS. Night time has more difficult spawns as well. What biome and POI you are in will additionally adjust gamestage and lootstages.
It isn't black and white. There are a lot of different things to take into account. If you think it's going to be easy mode when you're a nooblet because you are hanging around higher level people, that isn't going to be the case. Higher level players with a higher gamestage will call on higher level enemies. Doesn't matter that you're sitting there with hardly any experience.