over 4 years
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If you want to go all stealth, then after triggering one of those auto aggro rooms you can backtrack a bit and hide. The zombies quickly forget about you and you can then come out of hiding and stealth kill all of them as they wander aimlessly. You can even throw rocks to bait them over to where you can get a clear shot and kill them.
There ARE some rooms that automatically wake up the zombies but that doesn't mean you have to abandon stealth. Just like in other stealth games when the alert is on high you have to find a hiding spot until things cool off and then you can keep going, you can do the same in this game.
There ARE some rooms that automatically wake up the zombies but that doesn't mean you have to abandon stealth. Just like in other stealth games when the alert is on high you have to find a hiding spot until things cool off and then you can keep going, you can do the same in this game.